Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What skills are needed to becoming a successful entreprenuer

  Becoming successfull takes many skills.  Skills that you have been picking up over the years whether you know it or not.  Here is a good list of traits that will seperate you from your competition this year.  Do you have all of these? “The first skill is FOCUS: Understand there will be numerous things that need to be done on a daily basis so the key here is pinpoit specific tasks at specific times and get it done. The second skill is RESILENCE: You can give up when things get tough. As an entrepreneur things will get cray cray but you have to keep moving forward. The third skill is MANAGEMENT: As a successful business owner having the right people in place and knowing how to properly management will allow you to have a successful business. The fourth skill is LONG TERM VISION: If your striving for real success in your business your not only planning for those short term goals but your able to map out a whole year ahead of time. The fifth skill is SALESMANSHIP: Now this skills requires you to put yourself on the line. You must be able to sell YOU, INC. You must be able to get your vision across to others. The sixth skill is SELF RELIANCE: This skills requires that you can depend on YOU. The seventh skill is SELF REFLECTION: This skill  requires you to learn from your mistakes and move forward in the right direction. The eighth skill is LEARNING: This last skill is simple….NEVER STOP LEARNING. You will find as your on this journey that you will be constantly learning something new everyday. Take it all in and implement the hell out of it.” Source: shawneperryman.com

The blog post What skills are needed to becoming a successful entreprenuer is available on http://www.myvisuallistingsprovider.com

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