Friday, March 25, 2016

Improve Photography Roundtable (EP 167)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.


  • New people coming on in the next few weeks.  Leave feedback.
  • New page on the website for doodads all in one place.
  • Keep it positive in the groups!

Questions of the Week:

  • Gary Lingenfelder – You recently talked about how focus stacking can easily be accomplished in Photoshop. Is there a way to do it in Lightroom?
  • Tim Evans – Any other canon users (I use a t4i) notice that the camera sometimes oversaturates red colors? Even when I’m using a custom camera profile made with my color checker, reds have almost no detail in them.
  • Eric Psota – Canon 80D is ISO invariant

5 Minute Segments:

Nick –  Storm chasing season is here

  • Use apps like my radar, and Weather bug to track lightning strikes, and track the direction the storm cells are traveling
  • Have location ideas in your area in mind before hand that way you can jump from scene to scene as the storm moves
  • Shoot from the edges of the storm.. Not from the middle of the storm
  • Find objects to silhouette against the sky
  • Long lenses compress the lightning in a way that make it look huge
  • Rain covers, remote triggers and lots and lots of lens cloths

Jim – Is the Drobo too Proprietary?  Choosing a good RAID system/NAS

Jim’s Segment


Doodads of the Week!

Same as the note above.  Go ahead and jump in with your doodad instead of waiting for Jim to say it’s your turn.

The post Improve Photography Roundtable (EP 167) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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