Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How Was This Picture Made #7

For Part 7 of our How Was This Picture Taken series, I have another portrait for you. Our last related article was a complete spoof and a joke (for those who did not get that it was an April Fool’s joke, including our “sell-out” to Canon!), so this time we will get back to our more serious regular scheduled programming. Compared to the last one, hopefully you can learn something from this one :)

How Was This Image Created 6 Main-1

How Was This Image Created?

This is Belinda, my wife. One morning when she was heading out to work, I thought she looked quite nice and asked if I could take a quick photo of her. I also had something I had been wanting to try out, so this was the perfect opportunity.

There are a few things I’d like you to consider about this image:

  • What type of camera and lens were used?
  • What camera settings were used?
  • What was done in post production?
  • Is there anything unusual about how this image was created?

I’ll reveal how this picture was made later this week, so keep checking back!

The post How Was This Picture Made #7 appeared first on Photography Life.

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