Friday, June 3, 2016

Improve Photography Roundtable (EP-176)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.

Pre-Roll: Squarespace & Lightroom Steal Last Chance Sale!

Questions of the Week:

  • Justin Zaffarese: Can we talk about battery packs for speedlights ? I use Yongnuo 568 EX speedlights .I am starting to wonder if i am a photographer or a battery recharger who takes photos sometimes.
  • Janet Schill: Should I go full frame with the D750 or go with the D500 with the higher ISO and better and faster focusing? She shoots nature, wildlife, and landscape.
  • Brian Pex: When shooting small children (under 4 feet) using a normal light stand is just too tall. What do you all do for this situation?

Sandy’s Segment: Tethering Tips

  • I always tether if I can. This can be intimidating at first though.
  • Try to set-up beforehand and have a stand-in help you with lighting.
  • Helps yourself, and your subject, view what you are shooting, and make adjustments. I’ve found it particularly helpful when I’m photographing women. They can tell me right away what they are liking about a shot and what they aren’t loving.  
  • I also strongly recommend using TetherTools They have “Jerkstoppers” that have saved my camera more than once when I, or someone else, trips over the cord.
  • For Lightroom: Select: File->Tether Capture->Start Tether Capture. If you are using a grey card, you can use the eyedropper to set your temperature and tint, then from the tether capture screen, use the drop-down to set “Develop Settings” to “Same as Previous”.
  • I personally use a program called “Capture One”. I like it a lot, and they offer a free 30-day trial.

Midroll: Squarespace and The Great Courses

Zelda’s Segment: What’s holding you back?

  • Your own thinking
  • Stephen Schwartz “Forgiveness’ Embrace”
  • My own struggles
  • Your weakness can be your strength

Jim’s Segment: A Poem by Longfellow

Doodads of the Week!

  • Zelda: YN RF-603 (can make Canon talk to Nikon)  
  • Sandy: Black velvet cloth
  • Jim: Zhiyun Z1 Smooth C 
  • Jim: Overcast Podcasting App for iOS

The post Improve Photography Roundtable (EP-176) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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