Friday, June 24, 2016

Improve Photography Roundtable (EP-180)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.

Questions of the Week:

  • Nelson Tapias I just purchased a 3 stop Breakthrough ND filter (on your recommendation) and would love some tips on using it with speed lights for portraits. Or any ideas for its use. Thanks!
  • David J. Long  Increasingly I see people being used in landscape shots. Pros and cons of this practice? Are there any best practices? Thanks and looking forward to your pics from China.
  • Dieter Horst I switched from canon to fuji, and am having problems with getting the correct focus. Do different systems have different tricks for af?
  • Jeremy S. Lanthorn How large of a shoot through umbrella will a single flash light up? How big can you go before you need a studio strobe or multiple speedlights?
  • Jim Barker Could you discuss the benefits of using back button focus mate?
  • Erik Anderson I will be attending my first photography workshop in 10 days, I would like to hear some advice from the IP team on what should I expect (I understand mileage may vary) and best practices for maximizing this opportunity.
  • Stephen Nolly Using grain to add “sharpness”


  • Great courses – Use offer code “improve” to get 1 month free!
  • Brent Rents Lenses  Use offer code “improve” to get 15% off your first order.
  • Adam Kley What step do you take to protect your gear from theft when traveling? Particularly two situations 1) the gear you carry in a backpack or bag outside and 2) the gear you leave at the hotel/living area
  • Michiel Vanhoudt Does crop sensor affect minimal focus distance?
  • Anthony Fuccella My wife an I would like to edit/organize images from our Drobo at the same time on two different computers.
  • David Foggin What advice would you give for someone with social anxiety on starting to shoot people?
  • Adam Kley What step do you take to protect your gear from theft when traveling?
  • Debbie Graham-Stephenson Any tips for taking pictures of fire at dusk?
  • Dave Coulter I’m going to start (or try) panoramic’s. Any suggestions? Do I need to invest in anything beyond my tripod, and BallHead?
  • Grey Proctor Nick Page, do you ever use ND or color temp flash gels at your events, like weddings?
  • Benaroo Ben When traveling international where will you put your tripod.
  • Tony Hicks Taking apart and cleaning your tripod is it necessary and what’s the process?
  • Jenny Wu Directing models on set in an editorial style shoot- how to direct experienced models vs newer models.
  • Dave Coulter Why does Jim H. like crop sensors for landscapes but Nick P. likes FF?
  • Colin Mayer Yes. Any tips for taking photos of the moon on cloudy nights, especially with ice haze?
  • Elliot Mullet I was listening to old episodes of Tripod and Jim mentioned something about photography trips and turning in your mileage to receive tax credit and thereby paying for the trip. Could you guys elaborate on that?
  • Brian Pex Wow. Pretty soon it will be 200th show. Any big plans for the big 200th??
  • Ron Lawrence I would like to see an in-depth review of On1.
  • Rick O Shea – What is the AE-L / AF-L button and how could we use it in a real photo shoot?

Doodads of the Week!

The post Improve Photography Roundtable (EP-180) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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