Friday, July 22, 2016

KeepSnap Third Place Winner

We are happy to announce the third place winner of our PL + KeepSnap contest/giveaway. Big thanks to everyone who voted! It looks like the majority of those who participated in the poll favored the following portrait of a biker in a forest:

KeepSnap Third Place Winner

NIKON D600 + 16-35mm f/4 @ 16mm, ISO 125, 1/800, f/4.0

And here is the final result from our poll:

KeepSnap Third Place Winner

Congratulations to Jason Minahan for taking such an awesome photo and winning the third place! Folks from KeepSnap will be contacting you directly soon regarding your prize!

The post KeepSnap Third Place Winner appeared first on Photography Life.

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