Saturday, August 27, 2016

IP Roundtable (EP-189)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.


  • Jaimie Hoff – I just watched the Lightroom Medic video and I think it is going to help me so much, I just have one question that I don’t think talked about unless I missed it, and that was how to organize your exported JPGs. So I was curious how everyone does this. Thanks in advance!
  • Robby Saint – Nick Page or anyone – what recommendations do you have on specific Wacom tablets? There are alot of different ones. I would use it for photoshop and since I’m a physics teacher, I’d work problems out in PowerPoint so the students can watch and save my work.
  • I have searched but can’t find what the improve photography community prefers for metal prints. Who do you use for metal prints?
  • Has anyone ever taken Golf Course photos? If so how much interest was the course it self interested in them or the players there? Was thing it may be something.
  • Alan Combs – What are your thoughts on the Lightroom face recognition? It seems to be really slow for me and would take a long time to go back through them all.


Picking on your weaknesses

  • Its easy to focus on what your already good at, but to see true improvement, you have to focus on what you suck at
  • I find myself buying tons of landscape processing tutorials, but what I really need, is to improve my portrait posing
  • Just like any ability or sport, focus on strengthening your weaknesses and you will be a better all around photographer and business owner.

Midroll: Brent Rents Lenses: This episode is brought to you by a fella named Brent who rents lenses. His website is Brent is always happy to provide the advice you need when you need it. Use offer code “improve” at checkout for 15% off your first rental.

New Feature!  IP CRITIQUES!  #ipcritique

Jim –



  • I feel like we as photographers try to be everything. Web developers, marketers, CPAs, etc. I started to see that I was spending more time researching how to be better at those things than actually taking photographs.
  • So I decided to bite the bullet and outsource what I hate doing the most, which is marketing and self-promotion. I have a really hard time with SEO, SEM, and social media.
  • Luckily, I already knew a part-time photographer that also did marketing for her day job. She had 15+ years marketing experience (compared to my zero years), and even though I didn’t think I could afford her, But we worked out a deal and she has helped me SO MUCH over the last few weeks.
  • She set up a plan for me with my email marketing, social media calendar, SEM, SEO, and is really drilling me to start blogging, which I never, ever, want to do. So I needed someone to push me a bit. All of this is launching soon and I’m feeling very excited about it.
  • My marketing person is named Barb, and she can be found at: I told her I would be talking about her on the podcast, and she offered to give a free “Paid Search or SEO audit” to the first 5 listeners that contact her.
  • Nick and Jim, do you outsource anything? Editing I imagine is a popular one, but what else could be doing to free up more time to do what we love instead of what we hate?  

Doodads of the Week!

Doorandoms of the Week: Sandy: HashMe app

The post IP Roundtable (EP-189) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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