Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Silver & Light

Two months ago, while browsing the web page of an on-line analog photography store in Germany, Fotoimpex, I came across a link to a video entitled, “Silver & Light”, made by a brilliant artist named Ian Ruhter. The video takes the viewer inside the thought process and passion behind one man’s dream to create photographic art using one of the oldest photographic processes ever invented – the wet plate colloidion. I found the story tantalizing and inspiring. Given the recent publication from our enthusiastic and talented guest poster, Simone Conti, on a modern-day version of a comparably old photographic process, I thought this video would be of interest to our Readers. Some notable quotes from the video: “If you had been searching your whole life for something you love and you found it, what would you be willing to sacrifice?”, “The only limitations there are, are the ones that I put on myself”, and “I am literally pouring my soul onto every plate.” Please, enjoy.

The post Silver & Light appeared first on Photography Life.

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