Friday, September 30, 2016

IP Roundtable (EP-194)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.

Pre-Roll:  This episode is brought to you by the Improve Photography Retreat in Phoenix, Arizona March 8-11, 2016.  (Mention that you’ll be there as well as the other hosts who will be there.  There are only 47 tickets left!


  • Katie Shipley (IP+) I’m importing about a 100 RAW photos with Standard previews and it’s been over an hour and the bar only gets to about a quarter of the way then stops and goes no further. I’ve rebooted. All the standard troubleshooting.
  • Brian Denslow (IP+) I have been working with my local hair salon, practice for me pics for them. I have spent 4 hrs taking photos, they would like wall art and a coffee table book. Besides the cost+ for the prints and book could someone give me an idea of what I could charge to do this.
  • Jeremiah Johnston – A Realtor edited my photos I took for them before posting on their listing. They said the were too bright. So they darkened them. Now they look really bad online and super splotchy. He signed the real estate photography contract I got from Jim Harmer? I offered to update the edit, but he said he was fine with the ones he edited. BTW, I calibrate my screen and use the histogram when editing. My watermark is not on these photos so should I even worry about it?


  • Shooting in Harsh light.  
    • Try as we might sometimes our clients want to shoot in the middle of the day.  What are we to do.
    • I tend to have this problem a lot.  Especially during the summer time.  People don’t want to get up early or stay out late they want to shoot in the middle of the day.  One of the things I do is find shade if I can or bring my flash with me.  Also, face them away from the sun and put it at their backs.  Unless of course they want to shoot at noon on the east coast and want the beautiful beach behind them.  


  • Quick tip for better photos on Facebook (SLR Lounge)
    • Settings > Photo and video > Upload photos in HD
  • Lightroom mobile shooting DNG
  • Part 107


  • JPEGMini vs. Lightroom Exports
    • Help Jeff out with a blind test by going to the link below and following the instructions
  • Lr CC 2015.7 / 6.7 thumbs up, don’t see any major issues and it is safe to upgrade
  • macOS Sierra only upgrade if you are using Lr CC 2015.7 / 6.7.  If you want to keep using an earlier version don’t upgrade yet

Doodads of the Week!

Doorandom of the Week: AYL Bluetooth headphones 


The post IP Roundtable (EP-194) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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