Friday, October 14, 2016

IP Roundtable (EP-196)

Click the title of the article to read this post on Improve Photography, which includes all media files mentioned.


  • Jamie Hoff (IP+): Any advice on shooting a group of 5 women with 1 flash and an umbrella? I have a 43in umbrella and a 60 in? Can I make this work or do I NEED a 2nd flash?
  • Monty Craig (IP+) I am almost out of options here, I use a Fuji X Pro1, and I recently bought a Youngnuo 560 Tx along with three 660 flash units that were Nikon units. I finally got the trigger and flash to talk to each other, but it still won’t fire with the trigger on the camera. What can I do to get this rig to work? Anybody? I bought this kit from a guy who seemed credible, but when I presented the problem, he all but disappeared. He has offered a few suggestions on facebook, the last one being, scratch the paint off. Still no luck, and I’m starting to lose faith in this guy, so, once again I am turning to my friends at Improve Photography to see if I can find answers here. Please Help Jim!
  • Alan Combs: So I know my prices are going up next year for sure. I had someone ask about doing their wedding next June. Do I offer my current rate or my new rate? I imagine this is just opinion, but I’d love thoughts. Prices are going up 30% across the board.
  • Austen Swenson: I was asked by a local country club to do a “photos with santa” event in December and they wanted to know what my sitting fee is, and if I wanted to just share in profits…Should I just charge a flat fee and get more money up front, or lower my sitting fee and share in the profits from prints?
  • Jose Martinez: Hello IP friends, I entered a local photography contest a couple years ago and my photo was the winner, I just saw that picture on an a local attorney’s website, would it be wrong or inappropriate to contact the attorney and request at least that the picture be credited to me.


How to build followers in Instagram.  Posting regularly in instagram is a way to build followers.  I don’t think the idea of following people just so that they follow you back.  That seems to be a way some people build followers.  The key to building followers is consistency.  The more you post the more followers you can get.  Now of course you have to have a catchy photo.   

Midroll: Squarespace


Jeff: Tips for shooting fall color:

  • Been doing a ton of this lately, can see my shots on instagram @harmonjeff (
  • Composition is a huge key.  Get off the beaten path if at all possible.  Especially getting something from a higher view.  Climbing up the ridgeline of the mountains here in Utah.
  • Mix it up between wide-angle and longer focal lengths.  Pano stitch if needed so that you don’t make molehills out of mountains.
  • More important than ever to not shoot during the middle of the day.  Had Columbus Day off from the day job, ran up to the Alpine Loop in Utah, but only had from about 11 am through 3 pm to be there and shoot.  Pictures are fine, but the light is so harsh and it just doesn’t match the fall feeling.
  • Shoot with a polarizer if you have one to reduce glare off of the leaves.  Been a while since I shot with my polarizer and I just couldn’t even find it and the highlights in my photos are too bright.  Adjusting them in post using HDR and luminosity masking, but would be much better if I had used the polarizer
  • Watch the saturation levels of the colors.  Seeing a lot of fall photo colors with saturation way too high.  Canon cameras tend to over saturate reds for example and I am seeing them just drowned in color so that you can’t see the detail.

Jim: IP is hiring a full-time employee

Doodads of the Week!

Doorandom of the Week:

Rain Bird WR2-RFC A553100 Wireless Rain and Freeze Sensor

The post IP Roundtable (EP-196) appeared first on Improve Photography.

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